Signups for the Battle of the Books will begin on Monday, January 7 in the library.
Battle of the Books teams are comprised of students in the same grade who have read five or more of the nominated books. Ideally, teams have four members.
No team? No worries! Every student who wishes to participate will be placed on a team. Each participant is awarded one participation point for his or her classroom.
And remember, all teams are subject to approval from the BOTB Commissioner (me!)
Now is the time to begin writing questions. All the questions for the tournament are written by students. Questions must be written on one side of an index card in the following format:
Question: "In which book..."
Answer: The title of the book
Your name
Think about the unique characters, setting and plot of the book. We'll do some practice questions in class, too. Let the fun begin!
Bement Battle of the Books Rules and Regulations